
Majalah gatra
Majalah gatra

Sabili, for example, put a liberal Islam as a cult and misleading, a nosy group, or judged as a community that can destroy the faith. Sabili magazine, generally showing harsh criticism on liberal Islam. Studi kasus atas manajemen pemasaran Tempo, Gatra, dan Gamma dilakukan lmtuk melihat stmktur indusni yang terbentuk, bagaimana strategi yang dilakukan untuk. In terms of writing technique, very few raises Gatra personal opinion joumalistdiredly. Majalah ini berfokus terutama pada menciptakan kesadaran. Majalah Gatra diterbitkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan menyediakan artikel yang luas yang mencakup berita nasional, teknologi, kondisi ekonomi, kesehatan dll. However, itremainsthe largest portion given to supporters of liberal Islam. Gatra, majalah mingguan adalah berita utama dan majalah terkini di Indonesia yang dimulai pada tahun 1994 oleh Era Media Informasi. Of the sources interviewed, Gatra attempted cover both sides, both from the liberal Islam and Islamic fundamentals. Dinasti Politik Pasca Otonomi-Orde Baru : Pengalaman Banten, Majalah Prisma, Vol.29.

majalah gatra

In general, Gatra magazine tend to be open to ideas of liberal Islam. There are many differences that can be seen from the appearance of both news media. From the study of text analysis here, with framing analysis model from Gamson and Modigliani, it can be seen the difference and Sabili magazine Gatra in addressing the existence of the JIL (Liberal Islam NetWork) and the attitude of both media to the ideas brought by the liberal Islamic thought. TENTANG KAMI DISCLAIMER INFO BERIKLAN PANDUAN MEDIA. Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Tiga Tahun Pemerintahan Joko Widodo dan Jusuf Kalla di Majalah Gatra.

majalah gatra

Similarly, the preaching of liberal Islam in the media. 082114740815 gatramagazine.official Gatra Magazine MAJALAHGATRA. Abstract The same theme can be interpreted differently and produce different story.

Majalah gatra